Site icon St Anne's Church of England Primary School in Rossendale

Church School

Being a church school is a privilege. We aim to equip our children to become ambassadors for Christ. The Christian ethos of St Anne’s means that our core values of faithfulness, forgiveness, love, respect, hope, and thankfulness are at the heart of all that we do.
We enjoy close links with St Anne’s Church, attending worship there regularly. Reverend Rod spends time with us at church and in school. He is a familiar face in our community and provides pastoral support to families and staff.

You can read more about church schools by clicking here.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate in speaking to the Headteacher, any member of staff, Reverend Rod Bevan or a school Governor.  St Anne’s Church also have their own Facebook page, click here to visit their site 

You can also visit St Anne’s Church website which has the latest information on their weekly activities and events.

Our latest SIAMS Report is available by clicking here.

Our RE Curriculum

At St Anne’s we follow the agreed syllabus from Manchester Diocese through school. This includes non-Christian faiths as well as a focus on Christianity.

Working with the Faith Friends team enables us to learn about other world faiths. We place great importance on this, living together in a multi-faith society.

Easter Experience 2023

During our Easter themed week, all children had the opportunity to reflect on the Easter story as part of our school’s Christian distinctiveness.  Each part of the Easter story had  a station/activity for the children to think, ponder, questions and learn. As always, our pupils did this with respect and used the time to consider their own opinion of this Christian event.


Regular Church Activities

You can visit the Facebook page of St Anne’s church at where there are lots of updates, including how worship is led during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Weekly Worship

Come along and and join us on Sundays at 11:00 am and please feel welcome to join in any of the weekly activities.


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