Pupil Attendance

Attendance Policy

At St Anne’s CE Primary School, we believe that children learn effectively and make good progress if they attend school regularly. It is important too, that children arrive and leave school at the correct times.

The target for good attendance is 96% and above. Anything below this 96% will impact on a child’s academic progress.

The Governing Board of St Anne’s CE Primary School do not authorise holidays taken in term time, as this time away from school will result in ‘lost learning’ for a child.

See below the impact of poor attendance on a child’s learning.


We believe in being punctual for school so pupils are ready to learn from 9:00am.  Our school gates open at 8:45am and begin with breakfast bagels.  School breakfast club is open from 7:45am for those families that require it.


If you have an extenuating circumstance and need to request absence leave for your child, then please use the form below to request the absence during term time.

Absence Request Form